
About Sloppy Copy Mommy

Apparently I need a page that sums up who I am. Unfortunately, I don't really want to sum myself up in one little post; I agree with Walt Whitman, who says in Song of Myself, "I am large, I contain multitudes."  I'm no Walt Whitman, but I choose to believe that one of the best things about me is that I'm not easily pigeon-holed...When I started this blog, I knew full well that I had all the tools of the Internet to help me define myself, to infinity and beyond, and unlimited space...a blog.

But I guess it's expected, and if you are just starting here, you don't know anything about me at all, so here you go. 

Fast facts: 

  • I have 2 little girls, Rosemary (7) and Olivia (4).  You will read all about them in my blog posts. You will see them in pictures. They are little celebrities. They are my greatest work, in spite of the times when I swear I'm going to mess them up.
  • My husband, D.J., is one of the nicest people you'll ever meet, much nicer than I am. He's a super star 6th grade history teacher. People stop me all over the place and say, "Oh, your husband is SUCH a good teacher." He has middle school  mojo, which is a rare and special gift. He's also a great daddy and a loving husband. He brings me chocolate when I've had a long day. He does a million things for us.
  • I have a dog. Her name is Cinnamon, and she looks like a tall weenie dog. She's a rescue dog, and I like to believe she's gifted. She's managed to steal many foods (and other items...used diapers, for example...) from our kitchen, which means our kitchen is now a gated community. When she gets into something that makes me angry, I threaten to trade her in for a goldfish. But, of course, I am not going to do that.
  • I work part-time. I've done the working full-time mom thing, and sometimes I've been temporarily a full-time stay-at-home mom. My part-time working party is going to be over at the end of this school year, and then I'll be going back to work full-time. I'm a high school reading specialist. I love what I do. 
  •  Teaching is a humbling experience in the same way being a parent is. The longer you do it, the more you realize how much you have to learn. I'm pretty sure that I'm a better teacher now, after having the experience that comes with parenting. When it's time, I will be glad to have my own classroom again.

I do the best I can to simplify things. But the harder I try to make things simple, that's when they seem to get complicated...When I screw things up (again) by making them overly complicated, I want to see myself as a sloppy copy; I will make mistakes, then I'll reflect and revise. And revise. And revise. The final draft of me is going to be AWESOME, I bet. 

So welcome to my world. Sometimes what I write about is light, sometimes it's serious. But what you read here will always be genuine. I hope you like it--because I'm a total people pleaser. I hope you'll join in my reflections and maybe reflect a bit yourself. Welcome!